Château de Versailles

Château de Versailles

Monumental Projection Mapping

On the occasion of the 7th edition of the European Night at the Museum, which took place at the Château deVersailles, France.

Produced and directed by Minh Tran Long and Crossroads-Vision Monumentale, Matteo Messervy brought his artistic contribution to this sound & light monumental video projection mapping of the Palace of Versailles main facade.

It consists of a monumental computer programmed video-mapping projection on the garden facade of the castle: it is a first of a kind in this location. The theme chosen for this exceptional night is a dynamic, pictorial and colourful visit of the iconographic bestiary of the castle, echoing the tutelary sculptures of the park, illuminated especially for a night tour through the gardens and groves surrounding this historical location.

Chief of project: Minh Tran Long and Crossroads-Vision Monumentale

Art Director: Guillaume de Saint Phalle

Graphic coordination: CVEB

Graphic composition: Cécile Santos Gomez

Sound composition: Maxime Rollin

Technical direction: Gaël Picquet

PIGI Encorder: Erwan Guichard - DavidOlivie

Iconographic researcher: Cécile Santos Gomez - MaraTranlong

Silver prints: Laboratoire Dupon

Château de Versailles

Château de Versailles


Versailles, France

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