On the occasion of the 7th edition of the European Night at the Museum, which took place at the Château deVersailles, France.
Produced and directed by Minh Tran Long and Crossroads-Vision Monumentale, Matteo Messervy brought his artistic contribution to this sound & light monumental video projection mapping of the Palace of Versailles main facade.
It consists of a monumental computer programmed video-mapping projection on the garden facade of the castle: it is a first of a kind in this location. The theme chosen for this exceptional night is a dynamic, pictorial and colourful visit of the iconographic bestiary of the castle, echoing the tutelary sculptures of the park, illuminated especially for a night tour through the gardens and groves surrounding this historical location.
Chief of project: Minh Tran Long and Crossroads-Vision Monumentale
Art Director: Guillaume de Saint Phalle
Graphic coordination: CVEB
Graphic composition: Cécile Santos Gomez
Sound composition: Maxime Rollin
Technical direction: Gaël Picquet
PIGI Encorder: Erwan Guichard - DavidOlivie
Iconographic researcher: Cécile Santos Gomez - MaraTranlong
Silver prints: Laboratoire Dupon