Matteo Messervy is a Designer with an international scope. Known for his works in the fields of Light-architecture, Light-Design (industrial and semi-industrial), engineering, and for his large-scale monumental installations featured in many major exhibitions.
Three main elements guide his work: Light, matter, and human beings. The "cast in stone" vision of cities and surroundings that have become all too familiar to us is surprisingly dismantled by Matteo's skills to turn static, lifeless and hostile spaces into safe havens for the senses.

Light is a powerful vector, a sensory experience that has a profound resonance inside ourselves, whether harrowing or therapeutic, conveying a large spectrum of emotions, blowing cold and warmth to those exposed to its complexity.

Born in France, brought up in sun-drenched Central-America and Spain, this multi-cultural background has certainly shaped and sharpened Matteo's capacity in understanding and transforming extremely diverse types of environments to serve a creative vision that is devoted to the well-being of people.


134, rue de Vincennes
93100 Montreuil, France
101/21, Suanplu garden, Sathorn 3 road, hungmahamek Sathorn Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Room 1901,19/F., Henan Building, 90-92 Jaffe Road Wanchai, Hong Kong
Defence Colony, Indiranagar
560 036 Bangalore, India
For project enquiries, please reach out to Guillaume via